Tim Craig

Tim Craig

Seattle, WA

I received my Bachelors degrees in both Biochemistry and Neuroscience from Brandeis University in 2004. From there, I went on to receive my PhD in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, where I studied the molecular mechanisms of neuronal communication using biophysical techniques including NMR, X ray crystallography, microfluidics, and other standard biochemical techniques.

Membrane Protein Project Leader I


Haven't created any projects yet! 

Haven't backed any projects yet! 

It's not a major driver of the total cost of developing a new medicine, which is on the order of a billion USD. However, these types of licensing agreements can become major obstacles for startup biotechs, startup service businesses (contract research labs that do lab work for other customers...more
Thanks for the note Wiliam. I just put up a lab note in response to your comment! There are already patented systems that allow for expression in 3 systems(pTriEx), which I will be using as a guide (only with IP-free components, and including a couple more features). By replacing the proprieta...more