Yadav Ghimirey

Yadav Ghimirey


Friends of Nature



Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Reply to:Cindy WuCindy Wu
To answer again, there's a method called rapid biodiversity assessment.. In such cases we keep camera traps for 15 days at most in a place and then retrieve them to keep them at some other places.. the sole objective of such assessment is to document presence-absence of species and not their popu...more
Reply to:Cindy WuCindy Wu
Pleasure! Looks like you are one of the authorities at www.experiment.com. I have a question. How is it that I cannot publish my results? its still in draft though i tried clicking publish button so many times. Can people who pledged for this project be able to see this? Thank you!
Reply to:Cindy WuCindy Wu
It depends what we are looking for.. around 45 days for population estimation and occupancy.. but it also depends upon which species you are looking at and how elusive is it?