Andor Kiss

Andor Kiss

Oxford, Ohio, USA

Miami University



Published on Sep 25, 2020

Annotation Update

No doubt we lost some time with the whole COVID-19 mess and the shutdowns; but we're through the RepeatModeler and RepeatMasker is finishing up; unmasked BUSCO complete genes are at 55%, which is p...

Group 6 Copy 351
Published on Feb 19, 2020

QC'ing & Diploid aware assemblies

QC'ing & Diploid aware assembliesWe're moving through "playing", or rather evaluating assembly parameters for the haploid version and assesing the quality of the assembly by comparing and contr...

Group 6 Copy 300
Published on Dec 08, 2019

Assembly Complete; onto polishing and BUSCO QC'ing

Using two SMRT cells (PacBio SII) worth of long-read data (N50 > 32,000 bp) we opted to use the wtdbg2 redbean ( assembler, we have assembled the wood frog geno...

Group 6 Copy 312
Published on Aug 11, 2017

First Assembly is Done!

First assembly of the wood frog genome is done! 8.6 G Bp - that's 2.5x the size of the human genome. We've done the initial sequencing run using the minION nanopore sequencer that produces ultra ...

Group 6 Copy 231
Published on May 12, 2015

Interesting XPrize - Consider Voting for Cryopreservation

Here's a opportunity to vote for an upcoming "Grand Challenge" for the XPrize:

Group 6 Copy 73
Published on Jan 23, 2015

Good News / Bad News (not really)

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on a new development that's just come about. The company that sells/sold the kit (Illumina) has just announced a new iteration of their DNA sequencing machi...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 15
Published on Jan 05, 2015

Update - WF Genome

Hello,  We have obtained the kit from Illumina and are in the process of building the sequencing library.  I have also recruited three undergraduates to help with the annotation.  We hope to genera...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 30
Published on Nov 01, 2014


Hello,  Thanks to everyone that pledged!  With help from Illumina and all of you we hit our goal!  I'll be keeping everyone posted on the project.Regards,Andor

Group 6 Copy 60
Published on Oct 31, 2014

Lower Budget!

Hi Everyone,  Some good news - I've been working with Illumina and they've been able to lower the cost of the reagents by $750 - that brings our overall budget down to $3000!  AND much closer to o...

Group 6 Copy 64
Show more updates
Yeah, we got about 3x coverage with nanopore (30 kbp - 90 kbp), and ~27x coverage with PacBioSII (N50 >32kbp) and we're just waiting for a complete lane of HiSeq3000 150 bp PE so that we can try an assembly that will polish the long PacBio reads with a hybrid assembler. We should have a good qua...more