Bobak Ghaheri

Bobak Ghaheri


Published on Sep 08, 2021


I want to sincerely thank you all for your contributions to this project. We were able to publish the work in the largest ENT journal, the official journal of our Academy. I envision that this stud...

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Published on Jul 29, 2021

Great news

Well, it took about 2 years to accomplish it, but I'm happy to announce that our paper was accepted in the biggest ENT journal - The Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. With this paper...

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Published on Nov 11, 2020

New update!

Well, it's been a while since I last updated everyone. We ended up terminating enrollment for our study in March once COVID became a reality and we weren't able to continue studying babies - becaus...

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Published on Jun 13, 2019

June Update

We've received shipment of our first wave of 30 bottles and associated supplies. Once I'm back from lecturing in Australia, the next step is a quick training on the tool.We're finalizing the forms ...

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Published on May 05, 2019

May Update

I wanted to everyone an update as to our status for the project the funds have been transferred and we're preparing to purchase the first 50 bottles from NFANT our research team is in place and we'...

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Published on Mar 11, 2019

Early milestone!

Today I was able to hire our research assistant for the project - introducing Nhi Mai to our team. She will join my colleague and pediatrician, Doug Lincoln MD MPH and our biostatistician, Jess Mac...

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Published on Mar 03, 2019

Stretch goal update

Hi everyone!So far, we're about halfway through our stretch goal. To all of you - thank you so much. With the first batch of donors, I was writing you individually with an update/thank you but I wa...

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Published on Feb 28, 2019

Fully funded!

I want to sincerely thank all of you who funded and/or shared this project with your peers. Thanks to you, we were able to get this project funded in 8 days - that's amazing and way ahead of what I...

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Published on Feb 12, 2019

IRB Approval

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