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Last year it was not enough rain. This year, too much – at least as far as we're concerned (although the local ranchers undoubtedly love it). The thunderstorms that hurried our departure yesterda...
It's been a looooong time since the last update, but the Triceratops project is about to kick into high gear. Today, my graduate student Brandon and I put together our collecting gear (hammers, ch...
I regret to inform everyone (especially our project supporters) that we will need to delay the Triceratops dig, probably until June 2013. After speaking with the local ranchers, it's clear that thi...
The wheels of the Department of the Interior turn slowly, but they do turn. Our excavation permit for the Triceratops dig arrived today. Now if we could just get a little rain in Niobrara County...
Hi Everyone- Sorry for the long absence. I just got back last week from about five weeks of fieldwork in Zambia and Tanzania (which was very successful). I'm gearing up to head out to Wyoming next ...
First off, thanks to everyone for supporting the Triceratops project! We're approaching our target of $2300 and I have no doubt that we'll make it in the next couple of weeks. Attached is a picture...
Here's a picture I just snapped with my iPhone showing a set of Triceratops horns that we have in the Burke Museum paleontology collection. Most of the other bones on that shelf are also from Trice...
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