Corina Haita-Falah

Corina Haita-Falah


University of Kassel



Haven't created any projects yet! 

Published on Nov 17, 2018

Campaign ending

Dear backers,In a few hours our campaign will be closed. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in raising the necessary funds for running the experiment at this time. We are planning to apply to tradit...

Backers Only
Group 6 Copy 34
Published on Nov 05, 2018

Equity rulz!

In a previous lab note we were mentioning that by eyeballing the chat between the donor and the beneficiaries in our pilot session, the main conclusion we could draw was that people care for equity...

Group 6 Copy 149
Published on Oct 24, 2018

The USAID fights fraud in aid programs

A report by the USAID Office of Inspector General dated July this year, shows the ongoing concern of the U.S. Agency to fight fraud, hence, the importance of our research project. A roundtable with...

Group 6 Copy 180
Published on Oct 19, 2018

Undetected fraud in foreign money can also be a matter of donor's interest

Our research question is motivated by the idea that prevention is cheaper and more effective than correction. Concerning fraud in foreign aid, we argued that correction is difficult due to the aud...

Group 6 Copy 120
Published on Oct 15, 2018

The Lab is booked!

We have booked the lab for the first 4 sessions in the week 27-30th of November at laboratory PAULA at the University of Passau. Then we will run the treatments with communication, while in Decembe...

Group 6 Copy 143
Published on Oct 09, 2018

To the importance of our research question

The following piece of news from last month speaks to how difficult it is to trace and prove fraud in foreign aid and even more difficult to recover the diverted money. Therefore, prevention seems ...

Group 6 Copy 178
Published on Oct 10, 2018

People like fairness: Insights from the Chat Communication

In the pilot session we tested the treatment in which the donor communicates freely, via a private chat window, with each of the providers in turn. This communication takes place prior to the donor...

Group 6 Copy 120
Published on Sep 25, 2018

Results from a pilot session

Prior to launching this study on, we have conducted a pilot session with the FC treatment. The figure below shows the percent of the total group contributions in the maximum possible...

Group 6 Copy 88
Published on Sep 25, 2018

Experimental design and treatments

Experimental design and treatmentsThe experimental treatments aim at testing the potential of three institutions of funds allocation from a donor to the providers of increasing contributions to the...

Group 6 Copy 103
Thanks, but as you can see not many people found it great is it was not financed. So, we put it on hold.