In my early career I was part of the BBC Sky at Night astronomy team and have always had a passion for music and travel.
Ten years ago I was diagnosed with a rare suspected blood cancer, which later inspired me to help others.
As music is a universal language, I founded "roadmusic" a consultancy service that supports science, music and travel through content and innovation.
These two aspects of my life--blood and music--led me to ponder whether music affects our blood. I reached out to John Stuart Reid, a well known acoustic-physics researcher, to ask if he knew whether a person's blood would be influenced by music. Coincidentally, he had been pondering an experiment to investigate a similar question, therefore, we began a collaboration.
Apart from my work with roadmusic I am in the process of launching a social enterprise called DEEDSTAR, which aims to reward those who do good-deeds and puts passion, purpose and people before profit. This present research proposed blood experiment will be part of the development of DEEDSTAR.
September 2017