Erika M. Bueno

Erika M. Bueno


Published on Mar 05, 2015

ZomBee's featured on It's Okay to Be Smart!

Hi guys,Check out Joe Hanson's video on zombie parasites!!

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Published on Feb 02, 2015

Watch honey bee foragers enter and leave the hive!

Enjoy this video of our honey bees!Erika

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Published on Jan 16, 2015

Isolating DNA from honey bee abdomens

Hi everyone,You may asking yourself what we've been up to lately with our research! This is going to be one of the many updates I plan to write in order to keep you guys on track of what were doing...

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Published on Oct 28, 2014

ZomBees on Science Friday

Hi guys,Our citizen science site,, was featured on the Science Friday website today! Check out and stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

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Published on Aug 19, 2014

ZomBee interview with Pips of

Hi everyone,I recently had the pleasure of doing an interview with Pips from, a blog specializing in science and comedy at the same time! Here's the link :

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Published on Aug 08, 2014

Unbelievable!! We thank you!

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Published on Aug 07, 2014

Zombie fly maggots!

A. borealis

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Published on Aug 06, 2014

Zombeewatch Coverage on CBS8 San Diego

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Published on Aug 04, 2014

Discovery paper on zombees by Core et. al 2012

A New Threat to Honey Bees, the Parasitic Phorid Fly, Apocephalus borealisAndrew Core, Charles Runckel, Jonathan Ivers, Christopher Quock, Travis Siapno, Seraphina DeNault, Brian Brown, Joseph DeRi...

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Good luck Jordan! #riverottersrule
Reply to:NadiaNadia
Hi Nadia, to dissect the brains we used a dry ice on a dissecting dish in order to prevent any genetic material from degrading. I've never tried using wax perhaps you can try dissecting them frozen. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at I'd be happy to pr...more
We will use the flies that emerge in order to look at their mating behavior and its preference for host (native bee vs. honey bee). We will also use the flies to run infection protocols on honey bees and look at their behavior inside the observation hive :)