Charlottesville Open Bio Labs, Our Cosmos, Piedmont Community College
Director (C'ville Open Bio Labs), CTO (Our Cosmos) , Researcher
I am a young entrepreneur with a passion for science and philosophy. I have started one non-profit organization of my own, and an entirely new program (much akin to a company in of itself) at a different non-profit. One of my non-profits is called Our Cosmos, which is a small aerospace research endeavor looking at potentially commercializing and providing experimental products in the future (while remaining non-profit). The other is Open Bio Labs, and the name of the program that I founded and direct is "Build".
In a nutshell, Open Bio Labs is a maker-space to allow anyone to come in and borrow lab space and equipment in order to conduct their own research projects and solve problems around the globe.
I also work part time as a physics lab technician at Piedmont Community college where I will be graduating in December with two associates degrees: one is engineering, and the second in Physics (general study). I also attended and was the first ever graduate of the Environmental Studies Academy at Western Albemarle high school which provided me with a great background in earth and life sciences.
While I do have great personal interest in ecology, microbiology, and chemistry, I intend to work and research in a variety of fields mainly centered around physics, engineering, and aerospace. Even in my aerospace ventures I am researching the application of ecology through biospheres, and eventual terraforming efforts as well as general goals in space transportation to allow for said eventual terraforming efforts. I hope to make a great difference in bridging the gap between all scientific (and even humanitarian) disciplines. I have worked on a number of project teams including a NASA competition team last year and I have now moved on to my own more professional scale ventures.
September 2018