Luke Gruenert

Luke Gruenert


Published on Sep 11, 2015

Global Action Platform Press Release

Hi Again Everyone!For the last two years I've been sponsored to attend a leadership conference in Nashville, TN called the Global Action Summit as a student fellow. Here's a little blurb I pulled ...

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Published on Sep 11, 2015


Hi everyone!It's been awhile since I last posted--I've been very busy working and transitioning back to school I've barely had a chance to sit down and gather my thoughts. But, here I am! I though...

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Published on May 22, 2015


Hi Everyone! The SMART team is actually holding another bake sale for our project next week, so there has been another 5 day extension on the campaign in order to accommodate them. The campaign wi...

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Published on May 20, 2015

Planes, Trains, and Extended Campaigns (well, actually, no planes)

Hi Everyone,In order to accommodate the donation efforts of Riverdale high school's SMART team from New York, we have extended the deadline an additional 5 days! I'm currently on the train heading ...

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Published on May 08, 2015

Budget Update--New Stretch Goal of $11,000!

Hi Everyone!We just wanted to send a quick update to let you know of an update we made to the budget. First, we added a section for Nucleofection supplies. These are the supplies that will allow ...

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Published on May 07, 2015


Because of the incredible amount of support and generosity over the past month, I'm thrilled to announce that we have hit our goal!! I could not be more appreciative to all of you who donated to su...

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Published on May 05, 2015

Only $338 to go! Thank you all so much!

Hi everyone,At this point, I just want to send a personal thanks to everyone who has shown their support in this project and in me--I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. Whether we r...

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Published on May 01, 2015

Campaign Extended 15 Days!

Hi Everyone! Good news: our campaign was extended 15 days, meaning we have some additional time to reach our funding goal! We're nearly there--only $1800 to go! Thanks so much for the support so fa...

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Published on Apr 21, 2015

Reddit science AMA link!'ll be on at 1:00pm EST!

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