Marta Sucur

Marta Sucur


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on May 12, 2015

Ames Tribune Article

Hello all! The Ames Tribune posted an article about us! the lab we are still working on testing with our syringe pump! 5 more days!

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Published on May 02, 2015

Cytofluidix Article!

Hello All! The website Cytofluidix reached out to us and posted an article about our research! Please share!

Group 6 Copy 62
Published on Apr 30, 2015

Thank you PETA!

Hello all! I would like to announce that we were able to hit our first goal thanks to PETA's support! Please take time to read the article our group is featured in on their website (link below)!Tha...

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Published on Apr 27, 2015

We're Fully Funded!!!

Thank you all for your generosity and support! We are now able to purchase some of the supplies needed to continue our experimentation!We have increased our goal due to the extra supplies needed to...

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Published on Apr 22, 2015

Time for some syringe pump testing!

Today we are introducing cells into our prototype using our syringe pump! We are predicting that using the syringe pump to introduce cells at a constant flow rate will provide a better environment ...

Group 6 Copy 133
Published on Apr 17, 2015

Organ-on-a-chip Overview

Organs-on-a-chip may be a difficult concept to if you are looking to learn a little more on the topic here are two awesome videos to get you started!Organs on Chips - Wyss InstituteGera...

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