Our Purpose: Provide sustainable resources development consultancy and auditing services of high quality, reliable and professional. Our Vision: A well-known sustainable resource consultancy and auditing service company with a deep knowledge on Asia region, trust- worthy, professional and customer focused. Re.Mark Asia was founded in 2011 to deliver products and consultancy services on sustainability and supply chains. Re.Mark Asia provides certification, inspection and verification services related to sustainability and supply chains in the forestry and agricultural sectors, as well as new developing sectors such as mining and ecotourism. Re.Mark Asia was founded by individuals who enthusiastically encourage for better, more equitable and sustainable natural resource management practices. One way to encourage such practices is by pushing companies to adopt sustainability values and practices. With our competency, Re.Mark Asia partners with companies to help them become sustainable enterprises. Re.Mark Asia’s services are based on individual and institutional competencies. Individual competencies ensure services are delivered by high quality, competent and accountable individuals. Re.Mark Asia acquires institutional competency which en- sures the smooth running of quality management systems, so that individual knowledge and skills become institutionalised within Re.Mark Asia. We believe, as the Latin American poet Pablo Picasso once said, “Everything you can imagine is real”, that Re.Mark Asia may become a leading company. Re.Mark Asia founders have a long history in sustainability related knowledge and skills. The establishment of Re.Mark Asia is a real effort as a consultancy to encourage better and more sustainable natural resource manage- ment through the products and services provided.
November 2014