Ryan Shell

Ryan Shell

Wright State University

Ph.D Candidate


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jun 18, 2019

Our article is in its final stages of writing

We'd like to thank all of our donors (who used their real names) in our Acknowledgements. If that is something you dont want to see, please message me or leave a comment here.We are hoping to have ...

Group 6 Copy 146
Published on Oct 17, 2018

Final Results

This will be either the last or second to last note on this project. I'd like to thank all of you for making this project possible!First of all, lets talk about dates. Of the 12 sites, only 4 for w...

Group 6 Copy 117
Published on Oct 09, 2018

New age estimates

After looking and pollens and re-identifying a number of vertebrate subfossils, we have a much better understanding of the ages of our four oldest sites. The (fairly rough) picture above displays t...

Group 6 Copy 154
Published on Sep 21, 2018

Pollens from the wolf den

At OT003, the site with remains from predators like the Gray Wolf, Red Fox, and Bobcat, we are beginning pollen analysis (see our previous lab note). We seem to finding elm pollen, just as we found...

Group 6 Copy 73
Published on Sep 12, 2018

Preliminary Pollens

We began looking at soil from SF001: the waterfall site with human remains. Most of the sediment was dervied from the dolomite ceiling of the overhang and pollens were fairly rare.That being said w...

Group 6 Copy 85
Published on Sep 05, 2018

Moving forward

Thanks to everyone for their donations! Moving forward we are able to get at least one decent radiocarbon date, as well as results from pollen analysis very soon.There are four sites of significanc...

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Published on Aug 21, 2018


Hi everyone! I've just returned from Cretaceous Field work in the Glendive area of Eastern Montana and I thought I'd share some information about the only group of reptiles we've found so far: the ...

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Published on Aug 01, 2018

Native Americans and (?) Pioneers

Our record of human use of the caves and bluffs in Taylorsville Metropark is.... fairly scant compared to other animals. We occasionally find the remains of a poached or illegally dumped White tail...

Group 6 Copy 62
Published on Jul 25, 2018

Bobcats in western Ohio

Bobcats, Lynx rufus, were once common in Ohio before dying out atound 1850. The cause of this die out was likely a mixture or habitat loss, hunting, competition etc surrounding the settling of the ...

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Our completed article can be found here: https://ohiojournalofscience.org/index.php/OJS/article/view/8277
Reply to:NoraLillianNoraLillian
Hi Nora! Not sure if anyone has reached out to you about the results from this project, but I wanted to send you a couple of links. https://web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=f029371a-fade-4349-8e7f-f078886c4120%40redis&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl https://coreschol...more
Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions about this, or any of my other projects!
Thanks everyone for reading my lab notes! They've been more fun to write than I expected, but I'm unsure of what to tell you all about next. Fishes? Birds? Humans? Wolves? Does anyone have a preference?