Sarah Rackowski

Sarah Rackowski

living on a tiny wet rock in the vastness of the universe.


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on May 06, 2021

More speaking engagements!

Hi!Hello!Hey!I have two more speaking engagements, and (I promise another lab note!) coming up.If you want to hear me prattle on about pigeons- I'm giving talks on May 13th and June 10th (link to b...

Group 6 Copy 266
Published on Mar 25, 2021

Presentation Announcement!

Wow... I haven't posted on experiment in a while...I promise I will get back on it soon, but for now I'm stopping by to make a quick announcement,I will be making a (virtual) public appearance with...

Group 6 Copy 533
Published on Sep 09, 2020

Pigeonspotting, a game to play at home.

A favorite game amongst birdwatchers when there is little else to do is "pigeonspotting" a simple game of who can find the rarest feral pigeon color morph in a given flock.Of course, what the "rare...

Group 6 Copy 3,661
Published on Sep 09, 2020

Oh, it's September

Wow. It's September and I'm going to be needing to return to (online school soon) I haven't posted a lab note all summer (it's been hectic)I thought I would being filling everyone in on revised dat...

Group 6 Copy 221
Published on Apr 04, 2020

PIGEON SOCKS and other preliminary results.

it's been about a year since the initiation of the this project and without getting too sentimental... I've come a long way. I have visited some of the world's greatest museums and studied in two z...

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Published on Mar 22, 2020

Nests, parasites and quarantine, a march update

wow... ok.... I haven't posted a lab note in forever.... and I HAVE been doing stuff, but as a quick warning, those who would rather not look at parasite pics should probably avoid this report.befo...

Group 6 Copy 302
Published on Jan 26, 2020

Variation in wild pigeons and fun with dead things.

Hi everyone! it's been a while since I posted a lab note. This is mostly due to the fact that I've been working with have been dead, either at a world-class bird hospital in Maine (named avian have...

Group 6 Copy 672
Published on Dec 08, 2019

My favorite pigeons, a little lab note because I like pigeons.

Field season will be over for a while, and because my lab notes have been ending on mild to moderate downers, I thought I would make a nice, happier one. I have decided to do a review of some of my...

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