Skye W. Cooley

Skye W. Cooley


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Published on Mar 07, 2015

Flowchart for Determining Origin of Clastic Dikes

Group 6 Copy 38
Published on Feb 24, 2015

Tools I Use to Excavate Clastic Dikes

These tools are are proper.

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Published on Feb 24, 2015

What's in My Field Geology Pack?

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Published on Feb 19, 2015

Clastic Dikes Intruding Columbia River Basalt

Clastic dikes in the Columbia Basin are wedge-shaped bodies composed of silt, sand and gravel. There are hundreds of thousands of these features in this vast region. The dikes cut various sedimenta...

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Published on Feb 19, 2015

Video: Grainsize Distribution in Clastic Dikes

Grainsize distributions inside adjacent fill bands in clastic dikes of the Columbia Basin commonly differ from one another, sometimes dramatically. When sampled in bulk, however, the distribution o...

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Published on Feb 18, 2015

Video: Excavation Exposes Flute Casts on Dike Walls

Excavation of Late Pleistocene clastic dikes in the Columbia River Basin reveals the presence of flute casts with upward pointing noses. Flute casts are directional indicators of flow and scour by ...

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Published on Feb 18, 2015

Video from the Field: Clastic Dikes in Umatilla Basin

See the YouTube video here: consider giving a few bucks to help fund our research into these cool sedimentary features. Thanks for watching!

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Published on Feb 04, 2015

Max Dike Width: Expected vs. Observed Patterns

Maximum width of liquefaction features is a classic metric used in paleoseismic analysis. The idea is that soft sediment deformation features should be largest near the paleoepicenter and reduce in...

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Published on Feb 04, 2015

Clastic Dikes Exposed at the Touchet Fm Type Locality

The type section for the Touchet Formation (Missoula flood slackwater rhythmites) is the high bluff along the Walla Walla River just south of Touchet, WA. The section is located next door to the cl...

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You're the man, Andrew! Thanks so much for helping push us further towards the goal. Such a great group of backers!
Thanks George! We really appreciate your generous pledge of support for this research. Fieldwork plans are shaping up now. Fingers crossed on meeting our fundraising goal - your donation is a big jump forward!
"Rhythmite" is a geological term for rhythmically-bedded sediments - repeated deposition of layers all with similar characteristics. See Wikipedia > Touchet Formation for a description of these particular deposits.