Will Fennie

Will Fennie

PhD Student


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Hi Renato, They are 1m in length and and 35 cm in diameter. I'll post a picture of a SMURF next to my lab mate for scale.
I am going to give it a shot, but it is more of the high risk high reward aspect of my dissertation. Linking the oceanography to the biology is my primary goal.
You are correct that different water masses have different signatures and that colder, deeper water is saltier. I can't speak too much about what the SMURF moorings instruments have seen over time (yet!), but there are a few groups who have some long term data sets who could answer those question...more
Excellent questions! The SMURFs are located at 1m depth because scientists in central California determined that the highest catch rates of SMURFs were 1m below the surface. They compared that with 1m above the bottom and 8m above the bottom (all SMURFs in this study were moored at depths of 17m)...more