How is a unique Colombian blue carbon project involving and impacting coastal communities?

Carbon-rich mangroves are being deforested globally, but a rare project has 'successfully' conserved and...

Increasing funding for first-of-a-kind carbon dioxide removal projects by deploying novel insurance products

For first-of-a-kind (FOAK) climate infrastructure, like carbon dioxide removal (CDR), the leap from pilot...

War, Abduction, and Bilateral Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Northern Uganda

This research investigates the enduring impact of childhood exposure to violence on bilateral intimate partner...

How did the 2013 government shutdown influence scientific research in the Antarctic?

How does a sudden loss of funding affect scientific research? In this project, we use data on a 16-day long...

Gifted Education and the Development of Mathematical Talent

Tracking is common in school districts across the United States. Justifications include the ability to identify...

The role of students' educational choices in the development of mathematical talent

In the UK, students specialise in particular subjects at a relatively early stage in their education, and...

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