How Do Childhood Emotional Environments Impact Young Adults with Suicidal Thoughts and No History of Abuse?

Suicide is a leading cause of death among young adults globally. Research indicates that the childhood emotional...

Leveraging understudied spider species to uncover novel biology

Over $1.425B has been invested into spider silk companies, yet less than 20 annotated spider genomes are...

What are the microbes doing after the toxic train crash in East Palestine, OH?

One month after the train disaster in East Palestine, OH, we visited the site on March 2, 2023 to take environmental...

Conserving an Endangered Turtle Population using Metabolomics

Maryland’s Northern Map Turtles (Graptemys geographica) are endangered and face many challenges that could...

Urban Composting Revolution: Educating Communities with Black Soldier Flies

Urban environments generate substantial organic waste, which often ends up in landfills, contributing to...

Upgrading regional ocean monitoring with advanced sensors and open data in Costa Rica

Costa Rica, known for its rich biodiversity, has 92% of its territory in the ocean. However, it lacks a...

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