Replacing Air Conditioners: Creating an Accessible Energy Efficient Device

3.6 billion people currently live in areas with extreme temperatures! This project explores innovative cooling...

Leveraging understudied spider species to uncover novel biology

Over $1.425B has been invested into spider silk companies, yet less than 20 annotated spider genomes are...

Using DNA Barcoding as a Citizen Science Tool for Identification of Mushroom species of the Pacific Northwest.

We will engage and train the local citizen science biological community in the DNA Barcoding of Mushroom...

Exploring self-powering biomaterials using embedded proteins

Proteins offer the promise of regenerative forms of power for devices. Current power sources fail to disassemble...

A Frugal Monitor for Invasive Crayfish integrating Underwater Imaging and Machine Learning Classification

Aquatic invasive species, such as red swamp crayfish in Japan and Europe, have significant impacts on biodiversity...

Can we make it easy to identify marine species from environmental DNA?

We are creating a Field Ready eDNA analyzer to increase our understanding of marine animals. It can be used...

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