Digital platform as support to the teaching of Physical Education

UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
EducationArt and Design
Raised of $3,500 Goal
Ended on 4/13/17
Campaign Ended
  • $495
  • 15%
  • Finished
    on 4/13/17



Bibliographic research with the reading of authors and selected works that contemplate the object of study providing data to the researcher for the analysis.

Field Research in some high school and fundamental schools that uses techniques and instruments of analysis, as a questionnaire to determine the difficulties and desires of the teacher of Physical Education.

Action research that aims to articulate the production of knowledge with the educational action, bringing to the reality to be studied solutions and reflections to face this reality. The application can be tested in schools with the aim of providing participation of the researched group while researching, being able to better measure the needs of the group, articulating theory and practice in this way.

Production of the gamified application that covers the visual creation, the mechanics of navigation and the implementation of the application in some schools.

Evaluation of the research where the results obtained with the use of the application in the classroom will be organized and discussed.


Among the many possibilities that digital media, applications and programs offer young people today, it is a challenge to develop an attractive platform that responds to students' wishes. The mere use of technology alone is not enough, it is necessary to create strategies of engagement and motivation to win the young people in school.

The research based on the theoretical concepts of gamification, sports and media ecology, aims to soften the problematic raised around the teaching of Physical Education classes, as well as, to benefit children and young people by stimulating sports practice through information technologies and communication.

Pre Analysis Plan

This research raises some questions that considered pertinent in view of the "simplistic" way that sports practice is treated pedagogically in the teaching of physical education in schools and that reflects in a certain way in the daily sports life of people.

Is it possible through digital media to develop a gamified application that stimulates sports practice while educating the learner by relating the areas of study of human, exact, and biological sciences? Can the digital application be a support to the Physical Education teacher insofar as it suggests sports methodologies for the teaching of Physical Education?

The idea of the project is to test the platform in three schools in Araçatuba - SP with a focus group of 6 students in each school. The city school, another SESI school and a private school. Guided by 2 physical education teachers of these schools, after the tests, we would apply assessments to know the level of learning before and after the use of the application. In this way we will arrive at the results of the analysis.


This project has not yet shared any protocols.