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- Alexander HenningBackersuper excited for this very glad Danny showed me told his audience about thisJun 08, 20232
- Jonathan HaysBackerYinz hit your number.Jun 07, 20233
- David BaxBackerCant wait for this :D Wish i was over there so I could join in (complain about being too hard and then go home haha)May 29, 20232
- Missy BealBackerWe hope you dig up something amazing! Love from the 2023 nursing class in Vancouver CanadaMay 29, 20233
- Benjamin MurguiaBackerPaleontologizing fan here, happy to support y'all!May 25, 20234
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThank you Benjamin, happy to have the support of Anduza fans!May 26, 20232
- Joseph R KennedyBackerThis is great. No bones about it!May 25, 20234
- Brad NicholsonBackerCan't wait to see what you dig up!May 25, 20234
- Colin BoisvertBackerExcited to see what discoveries you all make !May 24, 20234
- RosesandBackerHave fun in the field!May 24, 20234
- David LaMotheBackerGood luck to you and yours in this scientific endeavor.May 24, 20234
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThanks to supporters such as yourself, luck seems to be on our side! Thank you!May 26, 20231
- Matt MurrayBackerExcited about the new and fabulous dino discoveries to come from this dig.May 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThanks for the help Matt, can't wait to share our discoveries!May 26, 20231
- Jonathan HaysBackerI dig dinosaurs - looking forward to the field reports!!May 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherAs a fellow bone-digger, thanks for the support Jonathan!May 26, 20231
- Lucas ThorntonBackerGo find some dinosaurs y'all and show them to the world!May 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThanks Lucas, we're looking forward to sharing our discoveries and to make supporters like you proud!May 26, 20231
- Karen RohanBackerThrilled to see you got funded and can't wait to see what you manage to find! Congrats!May 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThank you Karen, your contribution will help us out there!May 26, 20232
- Mary BealBackerI am so excited to see what you findMay 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThanks Mary! Your donation will help more than you could know!May 26, 20231
- Jonathan BrownBackerfor science!May 24, 20235
- Mike GalletlyBackerCare of MikeyLikes_1tMay 24, 20235
- Joseph FisherBackerHappy to push this forward.May 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThanks Joseph, you're working wonders!May 26, 20231
- GolganekBackerHope everyone has a wonderful field season, light layers of overburden, jackets-full of beautiful and exciting specimens—plus a cool(er?) breeze when it comes time to carry them out!May 24, 20233
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherWith a prayer to the fossil gods and a generous donation from you nothing can stop us! Thank you!May 26, 20231
- Angela Luttrell BackerI cant wait to see what all you discover! Happy Field Season!May 24, 20235
- Ethan Warner-CowgillResearcherThanks Angela! We appreciate your help!May 26, 20231