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- ChrisEReedCongratulations on getting your project.Mar 07, 20190
- Billy HunterA question about your choice of organism. Are Enterococci the best choice of organism for environmental remediation, given that they are routinely used to monitor pollution in aquatic systems?Sep 26, 20181
- Ralph LaurelResearcherDue to iGEM regulations, our chassis for this project must be E. coli in order to maintain an exemplary level of safety for our undergraduate students. Since this chassis acts as a proof of concept for our genomic constructs, it will provide us with a model for potential bioremediation. Moving forward, we can plan on evaluating a variety of different chassis organisms for our project. We hope this answers your question!Sep 26, 20180
- Jean DBayabosBackerGoodluck !Sep 22, 20181
- Ralph LaurelResearcherThank you Tita Jean!Sep 26, 20180
- Taylor WeiskittelBackerHi Ralph and Molly! Super proud of you guys, and what UTK iGEM has become. If there is anything we can help you with let us know!- Taylor and BrandonSep 13, 20181