How are the repetitive circular DNA sequences present on chloroplasts created?

Yeungnam University
South Korea
DOI: 10.18258/28385
Raised of $12,000 Goal
Ended on 11/15/22
Campaign Ended
  • $91
  • 1%
  • Finished
    on 11/15/22


Sampling objects

We are going to sample the target plants one by one : the major sampling parts will be their leaves, roots, trunk and the flower, etc.(The parts which will be sampled can be changed)

- *For who doesn't know what 'sampling' means* : 

What is a sampling in biology?

: Sampling is a way of getting a quantitative (numerical) measurement which is an estimate of the actual number. It involves finding the average number of organisms of a species in a particular area and then multiplying this by the total area being studied.

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