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- Lisa ItoBackeryippee! Congratulations to all! Now go forward and conquer!Mar 19, 20150
- Cindy WuBackerWoooo! Congrats Matt!Mar 19, 20150
- Jason CarrollBackerWell done Matt and Renee!Mar 19, 20150
- And1BackerGood luck Matt, would love to meet the 3 lucky winners :)Mar 18, 20150
- Oscar JasklowskiBackerCool, matched funding!Mar 11, 20150
- Daniel TamaeBackerKudos to Matt for setting up this unique mechanism for crowdfunding to defray the cost of the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) for three lucky trainees. Just to give some color and context to this endeavor, my name is Daniel Tamae and I am a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. My work is focused on using cutting edge analytical chemistry to elucidate mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in prostate cancer. I have been to many large national conferences (American Chemical Sociey and the Endocrine Society) and finally got to attend my first Gordon Conference back in 2013 and it was one of my most enriching conference experiences! The participants came from a diverse array of basic, clinical and industrial research from all over the world. At the same time, the GRC is kept small enough so that trainees like myself can interact with the seminal leaders in the field. This combination of diversity and small size led to an exceptional cross-pollination of ideas, all with the focus of tackling the biggest issues in hormone-dependent cancers. The robust conversations on science seemed to consistently percolate into the wee hours of the night and over meals. However, in this tight research funding environment, trainees do not often get the wonderful opportunity to take part in conferences like the GRC. Back in 2013, without the trainee travel grant, it would have most likely came down to choosing one or two trainees out of half a dozen or so to send from our lab. I thank you for your interest in supporting and investing in the future of biomedical research.Mar 09, 20153
- Cindy WuBackerScientific conferences are super important experiences for scientists early in their career. Having that first person or organization believe in you can make all the difference in a person's career. Thanks for doing all that you do, Matt! I'm looking forward to following along and virtually meeting the grantees. 🔬#forscienceMar 07, 20150
- Yue LiaoBackerWhat a smart way of using crowdfunding! Good luck with this campaign and the conference!Feb 25, 20150
- Matthew J. SikoraResearcherThanks Yue! Hopefully I find more people that agree with you. Good luck with your project as well, I'm looking forward to learning more about it. Looks like you're absurdly close right now - I'll have you covered if no one else does in the next 3 days :)Feb 25, 20150
- Lisa ItoBackeri'll pass this along to my friendsFeb 16, 20150
- Elizabeth ThomaBackerGo science!Feb 09, 20150