Common Pool Organisation (CPR) | ​Is Changing view a sign of bad leadership or cheating

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The research method will be "improvisation" in collaboration. Listen and talk equal time. Create at "psychological equal environment", as described in Google Aristoteles project.

  1. Frame the work as a learning problem, not an execution problem.
  2. Acknowledge your own fallibility.
  3. Model curiosity and ask lots of questions.


  1. Key members leave projekt
  2. Lack of technical interest
  3. Theft

Pre Analysis Plan

The project will collect data as follows

  1.  economic terms for assets used, income and cost, 
  2. additional all problems will be collected as an issue in the helpdesk, and 
  3. statistics from rental system 
  4. as well as usage from individual bikes such as odo-meter hobbs-meter and a GPS tracker where available. 

Each member will write a lab note describing some finding, and try to use some sort of scientific observation, such as empirical observation or finding based on available data.