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- Paul OldfieldThank goodness , its 20 years since the Sapy paper proved a 3 year life extension from narural feeding and only the Helsinki and NZ studies in the interim . I understand the difficulty of persuading the Veterinary profession who have a vested interest , so its brilliant to get a funded study and a top epidemiologist to proof a scientific paper . Please keep us updated .Mar 24, 20240
- ann viera1/ Endorser of this research Nick Thompson wrote: "Many scientific papers suggest that raw and fresh food feeding significantly improves health and longevity in dogs." I'm not finding them. Please list. 2/ This topic deserves rigorous science. There are no methods listed. Context, significance and goals, no methods. I suggest not soliciting funding for projects on red hot topics like this one with serious public health consequences without full methods disclosure beforehand. And perhaps rigorous review of methods by independent reviewers. 3/ There are so many conflicts of interest on this topic. This is helpful article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6515799/, but then read the author's affiliation....ditto with the endorsers of this research. And likely the funders? 4/ Concerning: Try putting this critical review paper from 2011 Can Vet J "Raw food diets in companion animals: a critical review" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6515799/ into Google Scholar Raw food diets in companion animals: a critical review and reading cited by works, 177 to date. As of 2011, very little evidence for anything but hazards to humans.Jan 17, 20240
- ann vieraAnother thought...our international public health services are radically underfunded. See COVID response worldwide. They are set up to protect public health from known risks, pathogens, etc. and new ones as they appear. Want to feed raw? Our human medical systems are also under-funded and staff burned out. If taking the unnecessary risk of feeding raw: Please don't seek health care from human or veterinary medicine services when humans or pets are made sick from raw food. There are likely immuno-compromised people in veterinary practices that could be hurt by handling animals fed raw. Has this been considered in the costs/benefits of raw? Also raw food feeders: please foot the entire bill for fully funding public health services, including for veterinary medicine, so there is good collection of data on the real rate of feeding raw, on illnesses caused by raw food feeding, feces from raw food fed animals, etc. "My pet is doing much better and we haven't had any problems with raw food" is anecdotal and subject to undue influence by people with troubling conflict of interests and undeserved social media following. Demonizing, veterinarians and devaluing their training and recommendations does nothing but spread misinformation and threaten an already weakened public health/human/veterinary healthcare system worldwide. Veterinary medicine is a tiny community of practice with a huge mandate: protect the health of all species but one, and oh, by the way protect human health also. Any thought given to how demoralizing it must be trained in science and food borne pathogens, having survived 4 years of veterinary college, and then having to figure out how to deal with clients who want to argue about basic facts of food safety they got from the Internet? There is a terrible suicide rate in vetmed. Citation: https://www.npr.org/2023/12/19/1220443869/why-suicide-rates-are-high-among-veterinary-professionalsJan 17, 20240
- Joanne Kehoe BackerFabulous news 🫶Nov 19, 20230
- Delia Graham BackerSo pleased that you have got the funding for this fundamental research, onwards and upwards!Nov 19, 20230
- Pauline BarnesBackerBrilliant 👏 very much looking forward to seeing the resultsNov 18, 20230
- Cristina NistorBackerWell Done🙌Nov 18, 20230
- Val BrownBackerLooking forward to some integrity, professionalism and honesty for research on animal nutrition . Well done Connor and team. Pleased to donate to make it possible . We can make it happen against the corrupt and big money men!Nov 18, 20230
- Sally Bronwyn KortekaasBackerCongratulations, excellent news! Prepare in advance for the negative response from corporate funded journals and “science”. Read “The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine” by Jon Juriedini for the methods of the corruption of human medical research which would likely be the same in veterinary medicine.Nov 18, 20230
- Penny Owen BackerFantasticNov 18, 20230
- Louise McMillanBackerExcellent news. Well done Conor!Nov 18, 20230
- Moddie LambertBackerAmazing result and many tails will be wagging - huge congratulations and never doubted you would make it!Nov 07, 20230
- Yukie HiroseBackerYippee! Happy dance! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Nov 06, 20230
- Miriam DuncanBackerWoohoo! Happy rabbit holes Conor!Nov 06, 20230
- Nancy MurdockBackerAwesome! Can’t wait for the study so I can share it with confidence!Nov 06, 20230
- Jenny MullerBackerThis is just the best news Conor. 👏👏Nov 06, 20230
- Dr Conor BradyResearcherDEEEEEELIGHTED!!!!!! Tails wagging furiously here folks. Thanks so, so much to everyone. Now the work begins!Nov 06, 20235
- Nicola CresswellBackerAmazing news congratulations 🥳Exciting times ahead 💜Nov 06, 20230
- Janet Browne BackerYepeeeeeee Absolutely fantastic news.Nov 06, 20230
- andrea fletcherBackerCant wait for the results! this is going to be brilliant!Nov 06, 20230
- Jeanie MoirBackerWhoop Whoop! Go Conor, the team and all the contributors. 👍😁👏🎉Nov 06, 20230
- Hailie JepsenBackerI'm so glad the the funding came in!! This is going to be a game changer!!Nov 06, 20230
- Jennifer MatthewsBackerWoo hoo! Fantastic, well done! Pleased to have played a very tiny part of this journey.Nov 06, 20230
- Karen Miller BackerEveryone at Napa Fresh Food for Dogs is thrilled! Congratulations!Nov 06, 20230
- Heather PasterskiBackerWoohoo!!!!!Nov 06, 20230
- Valerie LeppardBacker👍🏼✊🏼👏🏼🤜🏼😎❤️🍽🥂🌹🍺🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🥩🍖YAY!Nov 06, 20230
- The Bark Market LLCBackerOverwhelmed with gratitude that you are pursuing this!! So glad we could be a part!!Nov 06, 20231
- Sarah ArcherBackerIm so glad that you got the funding Connor. I can't wait for the resultsNov 06, 20231
- Feed Real InstituteBackerWe did it! #feedrealNov 06, 20231
- Jahque Price-ReesBackerJust checking you're not using any other animals in the research? Sadly so many researchers do as that how they secure their funding.Nov 05, 20230
- Diane ParryBackerGlad to be a teeny part of this important work. Thanks for doing this, it's long been needed. Talking Tails Dog Training and raw feeder for 20 years.Nov 05, 20231
- Julianne MantlerBackerYou guys are amazing!! Holistic Veterinarian here in, BC, Canada. Thanks for doing this, here’s to making common sense mainstream!!Nov 05, 20233
- Cristina NistorBackerscience is exciting! let's do it!Nov 05, 20231
- Edwin LargeBackerlooking forward to the results, thanks for organising thisNov 05, 20231
- Helena BrammaBackerHi glad to be part of this Helena Poochie parkNov 05, 20231
- Jacquie CallabyBackerLooking forward to the zoomNov 05, 20231
- Hailie JepsenBackerSo ecstatic for this!! I was told by a Veterinarian that raw food has zero peer reviewed journals backing its benefits and multiple peer reviewed journals indicating the risks of it. This person then told me the office they work at uses PPE when working with raw fed dogs cause they are carrying thousands of parasites and a risk to humans. I've been raw feeding my puppy for 10 months now and will never look back.Nov 05, 20231
- Lisa HarveyBackerMy vet told me my Bernese puppy would very likely end up with deformities. Over 2.5 years on, he’s only been to vet once for a bad hotspot as a puppy. Probably tempting fait now! 🙄Nov 06, 20230
- Hailie JepsenBackerYes! A few vets told me mine would die from deficiencies. He's now a full grow 17lb shih poo mix with pure muscle. Our new puppy actually tested positive for Giardia today. Luckily from day 1 while he's been home we have raw fed him and his body is fighting it! Our vet said he's likely to grow out of it. So glad I switched him!!Nov 06, 20230
- ann vieraSee my comments. Please keep the door open for feeding options and the advice of veterinarians. There are no methods for this work, so it is impossible to assess quality of research design or relevance of research to topic. Also, this topic is rife with conflicts of interest (COI). Even a brief review of backers indicates COI is present.Jan 17, 20240
- ann vieraFeedReal, Barkmarket, Pug and Hound Apothecary, Organic Paws.....that's with 1 minute of checking.Jan 17, 20240
- ann vieraThis is likely the article the veterinarian had in mind when consulting about diet: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6849757/ --Davies RH, Lawes JR, Wales AD. Raw diets for dogs and cats: a review, with particular reference to microbiological hazards. J Small Anim Pract. 2019 Jun;60(6):329-339. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13000. Epub 2019 Apr 26. PMID: 31025713; PMCID: PMC6849757. It's easy for anyone with an interest in this or any other topic to track the science by putting the URL or title of the Davies, et al. article into Google Scholar and clicking on "Cited by" to see all the articles that have cited Davies et al from 2019 in JSAP or Journal of Small Animal Practice. 165 articles have cited their work since it was published in 2019 in JSAP, as of 1/17/2024. Need more information on the use of "Cited by" and other features of Google Scholar please see LSU guide: https://guides.lib.lsu.edu/c.php?g=923391&p=6771215Jan 17, 20240
- Hailie JepsenBackerMy dogs are very healthy and will never be fed kibble. Thank you for your "I trust big corporations and don't think they harm me or my pets" mentality however I'm very firm in my decision to feed my dogs raw. I suggest you look further into research instead of only reading biased opinions 💙Jan 17, 20240
- Gucho's TalesBackerThank you for supporting us raise healthy dogs. Tisha/ Gucho and RavenNov 05, 20232
- Safe Dogs By The RiverBackerThank you so much for doing this long over due work.Nov 04, 20232
- Tina Franziska PaulickBackerlooking forward to reading the resultsNov 04, 20231
- Alice MarinoBacker🐾Nov 04, 20231
- Laurie WilderBackerI'm excited about the class! I'm in the USA, so hope I can figure out the time....Nov 04, 20231
- Janet nixonBackerThis is wonderful what you are all doing for our pets. A million thanks!!!!Nov 04, 20231
- Louise RookeBackerAm so looking forward to the response to this research. Proof us in Flynn feeding raw changed everything around and he is looking and doing amazing!Nov 04, 20231
- Jodie PorterBackerThis is such an exciting and much needed study! I'm sure we have all known in our hearts and have seen with our own eyes the benefits of real, fresh foods for dogs. I'm confident that this research will provide the evidence that raw feeders and raw food producers need to combat the nay-sayers. I've just multiplied my original pledge by 5x because it is crucial that this study is fully funded to enable it's completion, for the health of dogs worldwide.Nov 01, 20231
- Becky KelberBackerThis is such an important study for the health and wellbeing of dogs. Looking forward to being able to share this one day in the near future. Thanks for taking this on!Oct 31, 20231
- karen beckerBackerPaws For Change, a 501-c3 non-profit, believes that basic nutrition science and research is lacking in the pet food industry. We appreciate you doing this much needed research!Oct 29, 20233
- Stacey RenphreyBackerThis is important for so many reasons & will hopefully, help break down the barriers with conventional vets who are so opposed to raw/fresh food diets.Oct 29, 20231
- Catherine JepsonBackerI am so excited that this project is finally here! It’s been far too long! Hopefully we can raise enough funds to make it real at last!Oct 27, 20231
- Pug & Hound Pet ApothecaryBackerWe are so excited about this project! This data will be another feather in the cap of the fresh food movement, and hopefully open the eyes of veterinary professionals across the world!Oct 27, 20231
- Jane AndersonBackerLove thisOct 27, 20231
- Organic PawsBackerHi guys, we are a Certified Organic Raw Meat Pet Food manufacturer based on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. I just wanted to reach out as say we are thrilled you doing this study not only to raise general public awareness but also so that other Veterinarians may be further educated and hopefully inspired to start researching themselves more and understanding raw is the way to go for optimum healing and health. Too many are still not seeing the importance and benefits of a biologically appropriate diet. Donation payment is under name of Suzanne Campbell. I am the owner of Organic Paws. Great job, cheers. SueOct 26, 20231
- Paula WadeBackerSo amazing that this study is happening, at last we will have the facts and people will have to listen. Thank you.Oct 26, 20231
- Sheila ArnottBackerGood Luck. Let’s make this happen!Oct 25, 20231
- Big Dog Pet FoodsBackerAll the best with the study! We are so proud to back this project as we believe in the power of raw feeding our pets for a happier, healthier life.Oct 24, 20231
- The Bark Market LLCBackerI've been waiting most of my career for a project like this one. I've seen it with my own 2 eyes for decades, as a VT, groomer, indie pet store owner and raw feeder. Kudos for getting this thing started!Oct 24, 20231
- Emma GlynnBackerGood luck!!Oct 21, 20231
- Albright's Raw Pet FoodBackerWe can't wait to see the results of this study - so glad that Dr. Conor Brady and team are conducting this research. We hope it leads to better health choices and greater pet longevity for our pets across the globe!!Oct 21, 20231
- Jennifer RosenfeldtBackerI have personally witnessed profound benefits of dogs transitioning from commercial, highly processed diets to fresh raw diets. I inherited an obese 9yr old dacshund on phenobarbitol for seizures, meds for back pain and parasite prevention. She lived to 18 after transitioning to a fresh food, raw diet. It changed her life. She bounded up and down a flight of stairs 3-4 times daily. She never had another drug put in her body, never needed a dental cleaning and truly enjoyed her new found life. Your study gives me hope for others like her. Thank you for initiating this project ❤️Oct 20, 20232
- Jennifer Newark BackerPet Grocer loves the work you do to share the science of real food for pets!Oct 20, 20232
- Ann Marie ConwayBackerGood Luck, hope you reach the targetOct 20, 20232
- Joe FlanaganBackerKnowing the people involved in this project, and the source of the raw data (no pun!), I fully believe that this will be a pivotal document that will not only shape the future of pet nutrition, but will also shake the grip that large money making organisations (with large marketing budgets) have on shaping the opinions of the populations they manipulate for their own gain.Oct 19, 20233
- Kay StewartBackerThank you for doing this project! I will love sharing the results on the Feed Real site!Oct 19, 20233
- Nicola CresswellBackerGood luck raising the funds 💙🐺Oct 19, 20231
- Sam van EggermondBackerI think this is a fantastic study, happy to contribute, hoping that the results can reach more vets !Oct 19, 20232
- Jennifer MatthewsBackerGood luck, really hope you get the funding 🤞Oct 18, 20231
- Brian BrandfasBackerThis is exactly the kind of research that we need to highlight the effects that diet have on overall health of our pets. Excited to see the results. Thank you for doing this!Oct 18, 20231
- Dawn Vander Veen BackerThank you all for doing this!! This is the science we need to get more people to listen! You all are an inspiration!Oct 18, 20231
- Katia QwertyBackerThank you for going to the effort of getting hard evidence out there to those dog guardians (and professionals) who are sadly influenced by the ubiquitous misinformation that currently holds sway. Dogs' health worldwide will benefit <3Oct 18, 20231
- Fiona MurrayBackerThanks for taking this initiative that will help so many animals onto a healthier, happier pathOct 18, 20231
- Ang RossBackergood on you for doing this - the dogs will thank you :)Oct 18, 20231
- Valerie LeppardBackerEvery good wish for this study.Oct 18, 20230