Day Two...
The mango tree.
The Savannah Guest House - owned by Richard and Carol Foster...awesome place!
Krystal and Fran hard at work.
Carol and Fran.
The nation bird of Belize - the Keel-billed Toucan. A very personable bird too, we spent a lot of time with them at the zoo.
Cool red cricket.
Spotting pattern on the back of a jaguar...yes, it was nearly this close! See the oval pattern on the right side of the photo - further proof that aliens do calisthenics.
Dan with Artibeus literatus - Great Fruit-eating Bat.
Keying out a bat.
Oh man, do these guys have formidable teeth!!!!!! That noise you heard Thursday night in the U.S. was Krystal hollering as one of these chomped on her glove...and did she yell! Okay, I'm guilty of yelling too - so very strong (the bat, not us)!