Sacramento, CA
Sacramento City College Department of Biological Sciences
A huge shout-out and Thank You to the donors helping to make the start-up funding for this project possible. You are so appreciated! The next step will be purchasing the wildlife cameras - the Brow...
Hi Everyone!I wanted to draw your attention to this website ( It's to report ringtail sightings but also to provide a bunch of great information about ringtails. Ta... and the California Ringtail Project is now sporting some t-shirts on Bonfire!! The campaign ends in two weeks (on March 22nd) so if you are interested in sporting a T-Shirt with...
Hi Folks!Attached is the latest distribution map (as of March 5th) that has been compiled by Kristyn Schulte (this is a different database than what is shown in the iNaturalist mapping). The differ...
Here are some wildlife camera videos of ringtails...The first one is of an adult and two youngsters:Here is another video of the adult and two youngsters...A Gray Fox visits the same tree in a late...
Hiya...our second logo didn't attach properly to the last labnote. So, here it is....
We have a logo for the California Ringtail Project. So there will likely be some "ringtail bling" coming out soon...we're thinking hats, shirts, stickers,...maybe even a travel mug!Kristyn was fort...
Hiya Ringtail Fans!Sorry it's been a little bit of time since I posted a Lab swamped, but will make up for it now. I wanted to attach the current iNaturalist Distribution Map for ringta...
Hi Folks! I wanted to post a photo showing an example of some of the cameras we'll be sending to collaborators for this citizen/community-science project. As I said previously, we're going predomin...