Gayle Pedersen

Gayle Pedersen

Jan 19, 2016

Group 6 Copy 355

Thank you. Dankie. Enkosi. Ngiyabonga. Ndza Khensa.

I know it is not a lab note but I just wanted to give a shout out in 5 of the 11 official languages spoken in South Africa, to say THANK YOU (English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, Tsonga/Shangaan respectively) to everyone who has supported my campaign thus far! Albeit by donating, sharing, advising, or simply ENDURING my constant harassments over the last few weeks while I have focussed 100% on reaching my goal! I will get around to properly thanking you all individually once things calm down a bit, so for now please accept this smile on my dial! I still have a long way to go in the next 5 days so it is going to be a bit manic.


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About This Project

African rhinos are of great economic and ecological importance within their range states, but are threatened by poaching for their horns as Traditional medicine, ornaments and status symbols. Recent research has focussed on anti-poaching, dehorning and horn treatments as deterrents, with less interest paid to improving longterm management of these shrinking populations. This study aims to analyse behavioural, demographic and genetic patterns to compile a 'Genetic Metapopulation Management Plan'.

Blast off!

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