Gayle Pedersen

Gayle Pedersen

University of Pretoria

Doctoral Researcher


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Nov 03, 2017

They think it's all is now ;) 100% and time on the clock!

Success is ours. Thank you all so very much for making this a reality. It was a team effort and everyone was so incredible with sharing and endorsing and contributing to my end goal. I hope you are...

Group 6 Copy 203
Published on Oct 31, 2017


Oh my giddy aunt! It is 4am here in Pretoria...I had 4 hours 'sleep' last night after crashing on the couch at 1am, so to say I am a tad delirious is the understatement of the century. BUT I have j...

Group 6 Copy 174
Published on Oct 25, 2017

Some fun rhino facts from new crowdfund project with 8 days remaining...

Hey all...I realised I have been busy sharing all sorts of fun rhino facts on my new campaign page, which means only NEW backers and potential backers are seeing them and you have all been neglecte...

Group 6 Copy 119
Published on Oct 23, 2017

Leaping ahead to 37%

What an incredible weekend for my scoreboard...up to 32% and a huge thank you to Yvonne and Don, Ivor and Frank, plus a mysterious anonymous donor :). So this means we have the letters Y, D, I and...

Group 6 Copy 209
Published on Oct 18, 2017

J is for juvenile as we hit 20% on the scoreboard!

Woweee I feel like I need some horse race or auction house commentary going on in the background the last few days. A huge thank you to all my backers for your incredible support.So I just managed ...

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Published on Oct 17, 2017

New project featured on Africa Geographic blog

How exciting is this...through a chance encounter with the CEO of Africa Geographic after a friend gave me and my research a glowing endorsement on his own Facebook page, Simon recommended I send t...

Group 6 Copy 141
Published on Oct 17, 2017

Project featured on Africa Geographic blog

How exciting is this...through a chance encounter with the CEO of Africa Geographic after a friend gave me and my research a glowing endorsement on his own Facebook page, Simon recommended I send t...

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Published on Oct 16, 2017

Note to prospective backers...

Hi all...firstly I must say a huge thank you just for taking the time to peruse my project page and potentially consider supporting my PhD completion. It's been a long and winding road but it is ne...

Group 6 Copy 41
Published on Oct 16, 2017

Aaaaannnd they're OFF...11% appears L and S are my lucky letters for the first 9% of backing. I've decided I'm going to think of a rhino related word for the first letter of the name of each backer... L for longipes...

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Show more updates
YES iiiiiit! And don't worry...we tend to just hide behind trees if rhinos running or climbing required...definitely like bears ;). I'm actually applying for a job in Malawi...wouldn't that be a treat? LOTS of love and thanks so much for all the support and feedback. I will...more
By the way...I started working on this update yesterday (and then I lost signal and gave up till this morning), before Renee and Krista took the total up to 37%, so apologies that you two were not mentioned in the opening paragraph, but I hope you enjoyed your R and K dedications just the same ;) doesn't seem to be highlighting the link so you might have to copy and paste it into your browser, but I have shared the link in another lab note now, which you will receive an email about, and it might be easier to use that. Thanks muchly xx
Here it is Jerry: If you click the link I think it is pretty straightforward from there to 'back' the project. I will get onto Facebook now and share it on there as well so...more
Here it is Jerry: If you click the link I think it is pretty straightforward from there to 'back' the project. I will get onto Facebook now and share it on there as well so p...more're a star Jerry...I'll share the link to the new follow-up campaign tomorrow when it launches. Will reply on here and Facebook. Thanks so much. I look forward to the cat poem ;) xx
Reply to:Lilly ReadLilly Read
Lilly her seems my earlier reply to you has disappeared. Lovely to hear from you and thanks for cheering me on. I'll share the link for the new campaign when it launches tomorrow and would be hugely appreciative if you could share with your friends on FB etc. I think of you all OF...more
Jerryyyyyy you always make me laugh! Thanks for the fantastic bulletpoint life update...I need to take a leaf out of your book as my bulletpoints were more like essays. Thank you SO much for offer of further sponsorship ;). The campaign will launch tomorrow and I will share the link with you on h...more