Sophia Johnson

Sophia Johnson

Mar 18, 2019

Group 6 Copy 514

Placentophagy Research Meeting Vol.2

From left to right: Sophia Johnson, Tanja Groten, Jana Pastusche, Daniel Benyshe, Anne Möller

You will find an Audio file of Daniel Benysheks talk on Placentophagy attached. Only the first minutes are missing. Enjoy!!


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About This Project

Placentophagy is gaining in popularity as supporters of this behavior claim it has the ability to improve lactation, mood, recovery and engery level in childbirth. The placenta is often assumed to be sterile, but we now know that placentas have their own microbiome. This study aims to analyze the bacterial composition of processed placenta samples with attention on Group-B-Streptococci to understand potential bacterial infection associated with placentophagy.

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