Sophia Johnson

Sophia Johnson

Weimar, Germany

Postgraduate Student, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Intern for Anesthesiology/Intensive Care, Sophien- und Hufelandklinikum Weimar



Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jan 23, 2024

Cordial invitation to the vernissage "Placenta Power" by Trevor Johnson. A series of aesthetic placenta photographs will be shown in the Eckermann bookstore in Weimar.

Cordial invitation to the vernissage "Placenta Power" by Trevor Johnson. A series of aesthetic placenta photographs will be shown in the Eckermann bookstore in Weimar. 01.02.2024 at 19.00, Marktstr...

Group 6 Copy 7
Published on Jan 23, 2024

Cordial invitation to the vernissage "Placenta Power" by Trevor Johnson. A series of aesthetic placenta photographs will be shown in the Eckermann bookstore in Weimar.

Cordial invitation to the vernissage "Placenta Power" by Trevor Johnson. A series of aesthetic placenta photographs will be shown in the Eckermann bookstore in Weimar. 01.02.2024 at 19.00, Marktstr...

Group 6 Copy 61
Published on Aug 16, 2023


#iLovePlacentaScienceDear All, We are entering the cosmos of social media: Follow us on our Instagram account for updates on placenta research: will...

Group 6 Copy 34
Published on Aug 16, 2023


#iLovePlacentaScienceDear All, We are entering the cosmos of social media: Follow us on our Instagram account for updates on placenta research: will...

Group 6 Copy 782
Published on Jun 21, 2022

Webinar zu "Plazenta als Heilmittel"

Group 6 Copy 582
Published on Jun 21, 2022

Webinar zu "Plazenta als Heilmittel"

Dear All, For those of you who do understand German and want to join an online Webinar about Placenta remedies - here you go: can register vi...

Group 6 Copy 547
Published on May 24, 2022

Placenta processing protocol

Dear All, We are happy to share our lab protocol for placenta processing (in the context of placentophagy) with you:

Group 6 Copy 322
Published on May 24, 2022

Protocol for placenta processing 

Dear All, We are happy to share our lab protocol for placenta processing (in the context of placentophagy) with you:

Group 6 Copy 269
Published on Apr 30, 2022

New Publication online

Dear All, I am very happy to share some great news with you: The publication of our “GBS project” is online: Our results suggest placentophagy of ...

Group 6 Copy 499
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Reply to:Melissa lewisMelissa lewis Send me your E-Mail and I can send you the full paper ;-)
This is a great idea! We will work on that and try to record it.
Dear Katie, thank you for your message! We´ve got all results back and working on the statistic analysis. We also got the results of the microbiological contamination of our retain samples. This will all be published in my medical thesis. Working hard to get everything done ;-)
Still waiting for the results from "Food GmbH" the Analytik lab... Sorry!
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
Thank you for your comment Denny! We still can´t answer this questions, there is a lack of scientific data on placentophagy. In our study we aim to find out if there is a risk for women who engage in placentophagy due to the bacterial contamination of the tissue. Further, we want to compare prepa...more