Benjamen Kline

Benjamen Kline

Mar 03, 2022

Group 6 Copy 772

Milestone Updates

Hello everyone,

I am excited to share another project update with each of you as we begin to make progress on our panel design. As of this week, I am excited to announce that we have completed the first 3 milestones laid out in our research goals, culminating with the submission of our genetic sequences to Arbor BioSciences, a local genomics company located in Ann Arbor, Michigan (you can read more about ArborBioSci here: We are looking forward to working with them to perfect our genetic panel design. As I stated in the project description, the design process can take a couple of weeks while designs are tested and undergo rigorous quality control. As such, I hope to bring you all more updates on other aspects of the project during this time. You can expect to hear more about what goes into designing a genetic panel, how we go from tissue to DNA, and a little bit more of a backstory on brook trout and the places they inhabit. Thank you all for your support and I look forward to posting additional content in the coming weeks!



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About This Project

Freshwater fish account for a quarter of the world’s vertebrate species and are critical to maintaining healthy ecosystems and supporting local communities. However, freshwater fish remain one of the most vulnerable taxa to climate change, with over 1/3 of species threatened with extinction. How will fish adapt and survive in response to climate change? We are attempting to answer this question by examining the underlying genetic variation that enables populations adapt to thermal stress.

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