Danielle D'Amato

Danielle D'Amato

Jun 21, 2015

Group 6 Copy 7

A terrapin in the hand is worth more than two in the water

Finally a terrapin that I was able to hold in my hands!

On June 3

at Christmas creek on the north end of the island, another terrapin was found out of the marsh water. She came out to nest and got spooked and started to head to the water, this time the researcher who saw her put her in a bucket and called me!

Because she was spooked she was gravid (still contained eggs inside). She was about 10-12 years old and quite an active little girl; she was weighed, measured, pit tagged, and her shell notched. Although I am sure she has quite the alien abduction story for other terrapins to hear, nothing I did hurt her and she was released.

I was excited not only for my first terrapin but for the opportunity to show her to all the National Park Service employees who have been hearing me talk about terrapins for the last year! There was also a group of high school student's volunteering for the summer who were able to observe and hold her. I feel education is the best way for


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About This Project

There is no previous population study that exists on the Diamondback terrapins of Cumberland Island, Georgia. The main objective of my study is to provide baseline population data that will be used for the continued long term monitoring and management of this species on the Island. Another major objective is to identify the active nesting sites on the Island and make recommendations for protection, if warranted. Finally, I will assess the predators affecting this population.

Blast off!

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