Matthew L. Bochman

Matthew L. Bochman

Jun 30, 2016

Group 6 Copy 43

We did it!

Not only are we fully funded, but we've exceeded our goal and hit 101%! Many thanks to all of you for your generous donations and help spreading the word about the project. It's an exciting time in the craft beer industry, especially for the breweries making sour beers, and we're geeked to be able to do some sour research. 

Like we've said before, you'll all be acknowledged in all of the presentations and publications of the work we're going to do. Prepare to be beer-famous and science -famous all at the same time. We'll be sure to make the results open access so anyone and everyone can take advantage of what we learn. 

We've got 5 days left to raise money, and the more we get, the more science we can do. Keep spreading the word, and thanks again! 

Matt & Jeff


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About This Project

Sour beers are likely the original beer style and have made a recent comeback in terms of popularity among craft beer enthusiasts. They are made with a bacterial and fungal mix rather than pure cultures of Saccharomyces. yeast as in typical ales and lagers. However, the suite of different microbes and their relative abundances during the course of souring and fermentation remain a mystery. We aim to map part of the sour beer microbiome and identify the organic acids these microbes produce.

Blast off!

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