Shaun Swanson

Shaun Swanson

Aug 05, 2014

Group 6 Copy 108

Science For All (Thanks to You)

The initial support for this project has been incredible! At this rate, I feel confident we can push through the reach goal of $3,000 to really jump-start the field of Complex Thermostatistics. I can't wait to film and give away a series of four videos on the laws of Thermodynamics after this campaign reaches its initial goal. I find Thermodynamics to be one of the most unifying and elegant frameworks humanity has ever constructed to understand our universe. Sadly, most people never experience the thrill of grappling with it. To quote C.P. Snow: "The field of Thermodynamics is one of the cornerstones of modern science, four laws that are as integral to the well-educated mind as such great dramatic works as Hamlet or Macbeth." I originally gave a version of these lectures a couple of years ago based on Peter Atkins' The Four Laws That Drive the Universe. I wanted to share with all of you some partial footage that was captured during one of those lectures. While I will be revamping the content of these lectures significantly, you can expect a similar level of conceptual difficulty. :) Love, Shaun P.S. If you're interested in helping out with our research, join the Facebook group!


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About This Project

Let's grow a community of researchers and science-lovers who are passionate about understanding complex systems. We will be working on an adaptation of Thermostatistics together for this purpose! Your contributions will provide a year-long runway for a collaborative infrastructure as well as educational materials for this emerging field.

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Blast off!

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