David Wyatt

David Wyatt

Apr 06, 2014

Group 6 Copy 236

Entomopathogenic fungus?

Entomo = insects, pathogenic = causing or capable of causing disease.

A wide variety of fungi are associated with terrestrial invertebrates (such as insects and spiders). Often these fungi attach to the external body surface of insects or spiders via their spores. These spores could colonize the body of the host and eventually kills the host. Then the fungus emerges out of the body to propagate another generation of spores. Some very fascinating varieties of these fungi are those that cause what we sometimes refer to as Zombie Ants...as Spock would say..."Fascinating".

Moth colonized by fungus.

Spider colonized by fungus.


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  • Donald Pulsipher
    Donald PulsipherBacker
    Very interesting. I, for one, welcome our new parasitic fungi overlords.
    Apr 07, 2014

About This Project

This project intends to create a major entomology collection housed in Belize and to conduct bat inventories while in Belize. The Maya Mountains of Belize are a biological hotspot located in one of the fastest growing regions of our planet (Central America). Yet, even with this growth, Belize has chosen to protect over one-quarter of their country as parks and preserves! Biological inventories help to better understand these protected areas.
Blast off!

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