Paul J Clerkin

Paul J Clerkin

Sep 01, 2014

Group 6 Copy 38

First Lab of the Semester

Hi everyone, 

We dove right into the tedious side of science this week, sorting hundreds of vials of tissue samples and photo-documenting an egg case from a new species of deep-sea catshark. 

UROC intern Maddy also made time to split some genetic samples to send off for analysis as well help re-organize all the Southern Indian Ocean shark specimens in the warehouse for easy access. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it took hours! Next week: sort and label photo-documentation from the last expedition and re-catalog entire Southern Indian Ocean specimen collection. 


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About This Project

In a world that is generally believed to be well-known and explored, it is amazing that there are still parts of our planet Earth that we have barely explored. The Southern Indian Ocean (SIO) is truly the final frontier of shark discovery. This project is a survey of rare and little-known sharks in an unexplored and remote region of the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO).

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