Completed Dog Number 20!
Well, we completed the study today! All 20 dogs have now completed the trial and the good news is the preliminary statistics look better than we hoped for. In human studies, if they improve body temperature by only 0.5 degrees Celsius, then it is considered successful and results in clinical improvement. In our study it looks like dogs that receive amino acids during anesthesia have a body temperature of 0.875 degrees Celsius (1.575 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than dogs that don't! We still have to do the insulin analysis on the plasma samples but we are thrilled with the results so far! We have a lot to do on the data analysis but hope to have that completed in the next few months and then start the preparation of the paper for publication. Thank you again to all of the backers who have come along on this ride! We couldn't have done it with out you! We will continue to keep you up to date on the statistics and the paper.