Dr. Daniel Gillis

Dr. Daniel Gillis

Aug 19, 2015

Group 6 Copy 131

A Short Update

Farm To Fork friend, Nick Kattis, has put together a short documentary about the Farm To Fork project, and how we are working with partners in the community to ensure that every person has access to healthy nutritious food. Check out the video below.

The team has almost completed the updates to the website necessary for expansion. We're working to get the mobile application finished as quickly as possible.

The team is proud to announce that co-founder Danny Williamson, and student designers Corey Alexander, Oliver Cook, and Lee-Jay Cluskey-Belanger have been awarded a Guelph Mercury 40 Under 40 Award (2015) for their work on the Farm To Fork project. Corey, Oliver, and Lee-Jay have also been awarded the University of Guelph Student Life's Be The Change Award (2015). And our community partners - Kate Vsetula and Lisa Needham were also awarded a Student Life Award for Community Partnership (2015).

The project has been submitted to several international competitions, including the Rolex Enterprise Award, and the Global Business Challenge.

For more info, follow @Farm_2_Fork on Twitter, or read the blog at https://farmtoforkguelph.wordpress.com/.


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