Evon Hekkala

Evon Hekkala

May 25, 2016

Group 6 Copy 36

We did it!!!!! What a great way to start the day.

Good morning everyone! In can you didn't see the news.. we made our goal! We are now funded for this project. Of course.. any additional funds will certainly be put to good use! ;)

For now we can all take pride in our project to explore new possibilities for antibiotics in the crocodile genome. Let the Crocodylus Apothecary Hypothesis be tested!

You are all so important to this project. We can't thank you enough.

I will be posting updates every few days and please don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions. If you are in NYC, let me know and come see the Crocs exhibit at AMNH!

Cheers, Evon, Taylor and the crocodiles!


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About This Project

Why did alchemists hang crocodiles from the ceilings of their shops? Why did ancient Egyptians worship crocodiles? We noticed that crocodiles can recover from extreme injury.. What is the source of this resilience? New studies suggest that crocodiles have a unique ability to fight infection. Become a backer and help us sequence genes of crocodiles and discover the source of the myth of the Apothecary Crocodiles. There's a good chance we'll find some new tools in the fight against human diseases.

Blast off!

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