Biomass, Tiller and Plant Tissue N Results
I finally took the time to compare tiller counts, biomass (dry basis) and plant tissue tests for our Feb 15 2015 sample date. A few notes here on the table (below):
- 1.In the first row we just used ANOVA to compare plots 1-20 to 21-40 (which we are treating as two separate experiments anyway), but you can see for all three measurements Plots 1-20 are invariable better than Plots 21-40 - this has been borne in the field where we have seen lighter soils.
- 2.In the second row, we compare treatments (TRT) separately for plots 1-20 and 21-40.
- 3.For Tiller, we found significant differences between TRT 1 and 2 for plots 21-40 but no significant differences by treatment in Plots 1-20.
- 4.For Biomass, we see significant differences between TRT 4 and 2 for Plots 1-20 but for plots 21-40, no significant differences were detected.
- 5.Its interesting now to note that the ranking by tiller or biomass is similar in Plots 1-20 and we see a different order but similar correspondence for Plots 21-40. In all cases, tiller and biomass counts were the lowest for Treatment 2.
- 6.For plant tissue N, we saw no significant difference between treatments. Here we see average N in TMT 4 is the highest in both Plots 1-20 and 21-40. I find it interesting that TRT 2 was consistently the lowest in terms of tillers and biomass, yet ranks 2ndin plant tissue N.
- When we went to the field on March 6 the wheat outside the plots had already been top dressed and it is quite clear in the picture below. The adequacy range for N for wheat in this stage (Tillering) is 4%-5% N so the crop N is low without N fertilizer. Carl topdresses this week (with N fertilizer) and we'll see how things go. heres the pic of the field plots (not top dress) and the areas outside the Plots (Topdressed) - note the color differences.