Buz Kloot

Buz Kloot

Columbia, SC

School of Public Health University of South Carolina

Research Assoc Prof, USC


Published on Sep 28, 2018

Corn Harvest 2018

We harvested our corn on August 28 this year. Experiment 1 (EXP1) consisted of Plots 1-20, (4 treatments, 5 reps) while Experiment 2 (EXP2) consisted of Plots 21-40, (also 4 treatments, 5 reps). ...

Group 6 Copy 150
Published on Nov 20, 2017

Soybean harvest November 17, 2017

We harvested the soybeans (double cropped behind the wheat which was harvested June 6). Traditionally with double-cropped soybeans all fertilizer is applied to the wheat and this is shown in the C...

Group 6 Copy 283
Published on Jun 13, 2017

Wheat Harvest June 6, 2017  

Wheat Harvest June 6, 2017 We managed to get the wheat harvested on the above date with a small Gleaner GL2 plot combine. To recap, we have 40 plots with 4 treatments - this means that each treatm...

Group 6 Copy 246
Published on Jun 13, 2017

Wheat Harvest June 6, 2017

We managed to get the wheat harvested on the above date with a small Gleaner GL2 plot combine. To recap, we have 40 plots with 4 treatments - this means that each treatment is replicated 10 times....

Group 6 Copy 198
Published on May 18, 2017

Wheat Tissue Sampling April 7, 2017

At last, a few moments for a lab note! We sampled 24 of our 40 plots for biomass and sent the samples off for tissue sampling at the Clemson labs.  Growth stage was at flag leaf emergence.  The res...

Group 6 Copy 171
Published on Dec 07, 2016

Not Exactly a Lab Note, but Worth Noting

So excited to see Experiment.com 's Cindy, and Christina visit the University of South Carolina  campus yesterday. These remarkable young people have opened another door for researchers to acquire ...

Group 6 Copy 216
Published on Nov 12, 2016

Precision vs. Accurate Agriculture

Intro - This mini exercise was inspired by conversations I had with Will Brinton from Woods End labs and a story he told of Dr. William Liebhardt which can be found here along with the original sto...

Group 6 Copy 105
Published on Oct 14, 2016

The Seasonal Nature of Soil Test Potassium

SummaryWe took soil samples of our 40 plots on 9/3/2016 after corn harvest, but came back and took repeats on 12 plots (1-4, 9-12 and 17-20) on 9/23/2016 (20 days later).  For these 12 plots, avera...

Group 6 Copy 65
Published on Sep 20, 2016

Soil Test Results - Phosphorus

While we already have talked corn yield (see Figure 2 for reference) I wanted to touch on soil test phosphorus.  The standard narrative is that the corn takes nutrients out of the soil we have to r...

Group 6 Copy 109
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Lacy. 2 things. (1) so proud of you and these wonderful questions and (2) welcome to science!
Reply to:Denny LuanDenny Luan
Look forward to meeting with you now you are on the east coast. Glad that you guys are so busy. Press on!
Reply to:Jim TateJim Tate
Indeed Jim. My passion/aim is to take that kind of science and make it available/demonstrable at a farm scale.
Reply to:Gordon MikellGordon Mikell
Thanks Gordon, were the charts readable for you, I was a little diappointed in the quality and wondered if i ought to redo them.