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Movie Night

A photo of movie night (we principally show environmental education films produced by the African Environmental Film Foundation of Nairobi) which have Swahili commentary. If anyone has other Swahili wildlife movies we would love to have them!

LUCHIMA VILLAGE: Children, youths and elders watching. Bwasama took the photo (he is usually behind the speakers and laptop making sure no-one knocks it over), and Monique is sitting with the village government.

LUCHIMA VILLAGE: Community members thrilled by scenes of lions hunting buffalo. Remember most local people have never been into the national park or seen animals at such close quarters.

LUCHIMA VILLAGE: Sukuma youths gathered and watching with interest an elder from Kenya’s Maasai Mara explaining how Maasai manage wildlife.


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About This Project

Tanzania is the primary remaining stronghold of lions, however the numbers are declining precipitously. There are many causes, but the lion-killing by locals plays an important part. We’ve organized a campaign to empower local sentiment against illegal lion killing and enhance environmental practices on the national park boundaries. We now need to test the effectiveness of this campaign and determine where and how expand its operations.
Blast off!

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An ecology project funded by 63 people

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