Rachel Racicot

Rachel Racicot

Aug 16, 2014

Group 6 Copy 116

Thanks and update

Hi everyone. Just wanted to say thank you to my backers so far, and give a brief update of progress. I have recently returned from a trip to England and Denmark. In England with colleagues at the University of Bristol, we experimented with virtual flume tanks to see how water may be able to flow around different shaped objects as representations of, for example, the head of a porpoise. This way we can tell how the animals may get food into their mouths and how streamlined they are under water at different speeds. We will still need to create a digital model of the head of our special porpoise, but this preliminary experiment helped us see that it could be done. In Denmark, I met with colleagues about work I have been doing based on CT scans of toothed whale inner ears that is in progress to find out when and why certain toothed whale species have specialized hearing and sound production. Things are moving forward!

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  • George Su
    George SuBacker
    I've been dabbling a little in 3D modeling using trnio and then importing the models into blender. The quality is pretty bad and the models look pretty funny, but it's free! Too bad it wouldn't be much use in this case! CT scans are super expensive.
    Aug 19, 2014

About This Project

Fossil whale skulls offer unique insights into evolution and adaptation to life in water. Aspects of skull shape can supply critical data on the ecology, diversity, and disparity of ancient organisms. I will test hypotheses for the function of the bizarre lower jaws (never seen before in a mammal) of the extinct porpoise, Semirostrum ceruttii.
Blast off!

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