Johan Espunyes

Johan Espunyes

Jun 17, 2019

Group 6 Copy 149

Where are we going to realize our surveys?

We have selected 13 areas to conduct our project, based on the following criteria:

  • Species richness: higher rates of disease transmission within animals are expected in areas with high amphibian diversity and abundance.

  • Conservation status of species: areas with endemic or threatened species have been considered as conservation priorities.

  • Bioregions: sites have been selected to include various elevations and habitats.

  • Proximity to air/seaports and presence of amphibian non-native species: trade and travel routes as well as introduced species are risk factors for pathogen introduction.

  • Human resources: areas with organizations already involved in amphibian surveys are preferred.

We will conduct our sampling surveys during the reproductive season in each area. That way, we will work during the period of the greatest activity for most species, and we will find high aggregations of amphibians near water sources, even for terrestrial species. For some species and locations, nocturnal surveys will be mandatory!  

Map of the 13 survey sites included in our project (more info in the table below).

AreaClimateElevation rangeNºamphibian speciesAir/seaport proximity
1Delta de l'Ebre Natural ParkCoastal MediterraneanLow6Yes
2Ports de Tortosa i Beseit Natural ParkPre-coastal Med.Mid8No
3Delta del LlobregatCoastal Med.Low4Yes
4Massís del Montseny Natural ParkPre-coastal Med.Mid11No
5OsonaHumid continentalLow12No
6Estany de BanyolesPre-coastal Med.Low12No
7Alta GarrotxaPre-Pyrenean Med.Mid13No
8Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Natural ParkCoastal Med.Low8Yes
9Alt Pallars-AranOceanic / Med. PyreneesHigh8No
10National Park of Aiguestortes i Estany de Sant MauriciMed. PyreneesHigh4No
11Cadí-Moixeró Natural ParkMed. PyreneesHigh8No
12Vall de NuriaMed. PyreneesHigh4No
13Montnegre i el CorredorCoastal Med.Low10No


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About This Project

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is causing catastrophic declines in amphibians worldwide. However, its impact varies widely between species and populations with a potential for coexistence in some host-pathogen systems. We aim to identify areas in Catalonia (NE Spain) where Bd is present but has little impact on amphibian populations. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie this coexistence may be key to mitigate the ongoing loss of biodiversity caused by Bd.

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