Some exciting news! We reached our goal and can now proceed with doing some really exciting science!
You are all amazing people, a BIG thank you to the 121 of you who helped/supported us throughout this campaign. This research would not be possible without your big-heartedness and support. We want to sincerely thank you, for both your monetary pledges and for helping us spread the word. Your support has provided us the opportunity to mentor an aspiring young scientist, as well as gather more data to better understand this important subject!
We will be continually providing updates, both here in the lab notes and on Twitter, on our progress throughout this project. Please follow us: @RichWalkerFish & @e77d8c6f3fc54ef
Also, if you pledged and reached an incentive level, I will be contacting you shortly regarding where your promised incentives should be delivered. Your postcards and calendars have been ordered and should arrive soon!
Again, a huge thank you to everyone who made this research possible!
Rich & Geoff
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