Daniel M. Ibrahim

Daniel M. Ibrahim

Sep 11, 2015

Group 6 Copy 205

Sequencing the LilBubome - Video Diary Pt. 1

Hi All,

Despite the long silence, Daniel, Dario and I have been busy working on the LilBUBome, and we’ll be releasing more info in the next few weeks. As we reported last time, we had extracted high quality DNA from BUB’s blood sample. Now, we proceeded to the sequencing step!

Meanwhile, we’ve also been exploring new forms of communicating results with you, because we figured that reading long, technical blog posts might be pretty tedious. Here our first attempt at a LilBUBome video. Let us know what you think!!



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  • Judy Gilchrist
    Judy GilchristBacker
    Also like the video!
    Sep 15, 2015
  • Judy Gilchrist
    Judy GilchristBacker
    I ENJOY reading long, technical blog posts. Please find a way to keep those coming, or refer us to a different site to see those blogs.
    Sep 15, 2015
  • Uschi Symmons
    Uschi SymmonsResearcher
    Yes, it's in our pipeline! Wow, I had no idea we had so many supporters with technical interests. Thanks so much for your feedback. More posts to come this week and next. Some of the background stuff we post primarily on our blog (lilbubome.wordpress.com), but we'll make sure we link to it here, too.
    Sep 15, 2015
  • Eileen de Feo
    Eileen de FeoBacker
    loved it, looked like it was fun to make
    Sep 11, 2015
  • Uschi Symmons
    Uschi SymmonsResearcher
    Thanks! Yes, it was - especially, since I have zero experience making a video.
    Sep 11, 2015
  • Jannie Ledergerber
    Jannie LedergerberBacker
    The video is fine. I wonder if you might satisfy the more scientifically minded of us with some of those long, technical blog posts. I have a background in physics and biochemistry and those technical blogs would be quite fascinating. Of course, if you don't have the time, I understand and I will make do with the videos. I find this project very exciting!!!
    Sep 11, 2015
  • Uschi Symmons
    Uschi SymmonsResearcher
    Hi, yes totally! Sorry if that wasn't clear. Actually, we're putting together both a longer video, as well as a post with the actual "parameters" of the sequencing, and will be releasing those, together with some info on the technology over the course of the next 2-3 weeks. But we know that have a really diverse set of backers and followers, so we thought that mixing things up a little could ensure we don't loose anyone of the way. Thanks so much for the kind words and the feedback, it's so good to know that people read those long blog posts :)
    Sep 11, 2015

About This Project

The LilBub Genome Collective

LilBub is a magical critter: she's a lovely cat with an extraordinary appearance. Her special traits are caused by alterations in her DNA. We want to find the cause of LilBub's appearance: we will sequence LilBub's genome and look for variants that could explain her unique looks. We will closely document every step of the process, from crowdfunding to experiments and analysis, and explain what we're doing as we're doing it.

Blast off!

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