Lab Work Completed!
We finished our lab work a few weeks ago as scheduled! We are currently working to finish compiling our results, analyzing data, and creating polished figures. Stay tuned...
We finished our lab work a few weeks ago as scheduled! We are currently working to finish compiling our results, analyzing data, and creating polished figures. Stay tuned...
Crop pollination by migratory beekeeping operations presents a highly concentrated convergence of bees where diseases may be transmitted and spread as hives are transported throughout the US. To test if migratory operations contribute to the spread of disease, we propose an experiment where we subject hives to almond pollination in California and compare their disease loads to stationary hives in N. Carolina. Upon the return of the migratory hives, we will measure subsequent disease spread.
Hookworms affect the lives of more than 400,000,000 men, women and children around the world. The most effective...
We have special access to blood specimens collected from more than 9,000 cancer free people. These individuals...
This is the key question we hope to answer with this study. This project is to fund research into a skull...
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