Marcia Zorrilla

Marcia Zorrilla

Loma Linda, CA

Loma Linda University School of Public Health

DrPH Graduate Student


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jun 13, 2017

My first labnote

Hello! Just a quick update for you all. I have submitted one paper to a journal for publication. I'm currently working on a second paper and will be submitting to another journal for publication...

Group 6 Copy 139
Published on Jan 27, 2017

303 surveys as of 1/27/2017

As my timeline for recruitment ends, I continue to have young people who attend the local colleges help out with recruitment.  Additionally, I've been posting to several online community boards suc...

Group 6 Copy 76
Published on Dec 18, 2016

Surveys completed as of 12/18/2016

"The importance of Facebook in the world of social media simply cannot be overstated.  With more than 1 billion active monthly users, it is the most visited social network in the world..." Suse Bar...

Group 6 Copy 38
Published on Nov 17, 2016

Surveys completed as of 11/17/2016

"Youth mental health problems are on the rise, and 6 out of 10 young people with major depression do not receive ANY mental health treatment." California ranks #23. Connecticut ranks #1, Nevada ran...

Group 6 Copy 54
Published on Oct 22, 2016

100% Funded!

Thank you to all my backers for donating to my project!  I'm very excited to get started in the next phase of outreach!  

Group 6 Copy 49

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